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Dr. Ilya Soshnikov


    Ilya Sochnikov




    Stanford University

    Postdoctoral fellow, Physics


    Bar-Ilan University

    Teaching assistant


    Brookhaven National Laboratory

    Visiting researcher





    Ph. D., Physics, Bar-Ilan University


    M. Sc., Physics, Bar-Ilan University


    B. Sc. (magna cum laude), Physics & Computer Sciences, Bar-Ilan University


    Fields of interest & expertise

    Solid state physics

    Electronic nano-devices


    Superconductors, Magnetic materials, Topological Insulators

    Magnetic sensing (SQUIDs, Hall sensors)

    Cryogenic Scanning Microscopy (SQUID & MFM)

    Numerical simulations (Matlab, Mathcad, C, C++)

    Outline of the current and past research activities

    • Postdoctoral research: currently involved in imaging and modeling of magnetic materials and nanostructures, mainly superconductors and topological insulators.
    • Graduate research: designed, fabricated & characterized nanoscale superconducting networks, developed theoretical model & performed numerical simulations of the network.
    • Other graduate research projects: fabricated and tested a large array of Hall sensors of few microns size based on GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures.
    • Master's research: Investigated phase transitions in high temperature superconductors, using various magnetometry techniques.
    • Undergraduate research: was involved in development of industrial applications based on superconductors.



    Theory & Modeling

    [1] I. Sochnikov, Y. Shokef, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun, Single-loop like energy oscillations and staircase vortex occupation in superconducting double networks,

    in print, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.00.004500, Physical Review B (2011).

    [2] I. Sochnikov, Y. Shokef, A. Shaulov and Y. Yeshurun, Dichotomic fluxoid quantization effects in a superconducting double network, submitted, Journal of Physics (2011).


    [3] I. Sochnikov, Y. Shokef, G. Logvenov, I. Božović, A. Shaulov, and Y. Yeshurun, Fluxoid quantization effects in high-Tc superconducting double networks, submitted, invited paper, Journal of Physics (2011).

    [4] I. Sochnikov, I. Bozovic, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun, Uncorrelated behavior of fluxoids
    in superconducting double networks

    submitted, Physical Review B (2011).

    [5] I. Sochnikov, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun, G. Logvenov and I. Bozovic, Large oscillations of the magnetoresistance in nano-patterned high-temperature superconducting films,

    Nature Nanotechnology 5, 516 - 519 (2010).

    [6] I. Sochnikov, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun, G. Logvenov and I. Bozovic, Oscillatory magnetoresistance in nano-patterned superconducting La1.84Sr0.16CuO4 films,

    Physical Review B 82, 094513 (2010).

    [7] I Sochnikov, A Shaulov, T. Tamegai and Y Yeshurun, Vortex phase transitions in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x probed by nonlinear AC magnetic response,

    Journal of Physics 150 052244 (2009).

    [8] I. Sochnikov, A. Shaulov, and Y. Yeshurun, Investigation of the vortex order-disorder phase transition line in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d using AC techniques,

    Journal of Applied Physics 103, 07C705 (2008).

    [9] D. Barness, I. Sochnikov, B.Kalisky, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun, Oscillatory magnetic relaxation in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ,

    Physica C 468, 280 (2008).

    [10] A. Friedman, Y. Wolfus, F. Kopansky, I. Soshnikov, V. Roitberg, S. Asulay, B. Kalisky, and Y. Yeshurun, I-V Curves of BSCCO Tape Carrying DC Current Exposed to Perpendicular and Parallel AC Fields

    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 15, No. 2 (2005).





    Distinguished Eshkol fellowship, Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology


    Best Poster award, NanoIsrael conference


    Excellence in research award, Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University


    Excellence award, Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University


    David Barkovski award for achievements in study, Faculty of Exact sciences, Bar-Ilan Un.


    Salim Benin award, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Jewish Agency


    Haim Ben-Noah fund award, Ministry of Justice, Israel


    Rachel and Reuben Jacobs award, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Bar-Ilan University


    Municipality of Ramat-Gan, City Mayor award


    Excellence award, Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University


    Presentations & talks


    "Stability of half-quantum vortices in superconducting networks", contributed talk, March Meeting, Boston


    "Single-loop like energy oscillations and staircase vortex occupation in superconducting double networks", invited poster, Vortex Matter 2011 workshop, Chicago, USA


    Large oscillations ...”, seminar, Ort Braude College, Karmiel, Israel


    Large oscillations ...”, seminar, MIT, Boston, USA


    Large oscillations of the magnetoresistance in nano-patterned high-temperature superconducting films”, contributed talk, at the March Meeting, APS, Dallas, USA


    Large oscillations of the magnetoresistance in nano-patterned high-temperature superconducting films”, invited talk, The sixth International conf. on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Materials Technologies, Israel


    Large oscillations ...”, seminar, Brookhaven National Labaratory, USA


    Large oscillations ...”, seminar, Harvard University, USA


    Large oscillations ...”, contributed talk, Annual Israeli Physics Society Meeting


    Oscillatory magnetoresistance in nano-patterned superconducting La1.84Sr0.16CuO4 films, poster (best poster award), NanoIsrael conf.


    Large oscillations ...”, poster presentation, Nanostructure Fabrication, Gordon Research Conference, Tilton, New Hampshire, USA.


    Large oscillations ...”, Hagoshrim internal conf., oral presentation, Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.


    Large oscillations ...”, poster presentation at Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute winter school, Dead Sea, Israel.


    Vortex phase transitions in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x probed by nonlinear AC magnetic response”, poster presentation at Low Temperature Physics conf. (LT25), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    Investigation of the vortex order-disorder phase transition line in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x using ac techniques”, oral presentation at 52nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Tampa, USA.


    Investigation of the vortex phase diagram of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x using ac techniques”, poster presentation at Israel Physics Society conference, Jerusalem.




    Vortex Phase Diagram, Superconducting Properties of nano-layers and nano-rings


    Uncorrelated behavior of fluxoids in superconducting double networks
    I. Sochnikov, I. Božović, A. Shaulov and Y. Yeshurun
    Phys. Rev. B 84, 094530 (2011).

     I. Sochnikov, Y. Shokef, A. Shaulov, and Y. Yeshurun
    Phys. Rev. B 84, 024513 (2011).

    Oscillatory magnetoresistance in nanopatterned superconducting La1.84Sr0.16CuO4 films
    I. Sochnikov, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun, G. Logvenov, and I.Božović
    Phys. Rev. B 82, 094513 (2010)

    Large oscillations of the magnetoresistance in nano-patterned high-temperature superconducting films
    I. Sochnikov, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun, Gennady Logvenov and Ivan Bozˇovic´
    Nature Nanotechnology 5, 516 (2010)

    Vortex phase transitions in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x probed by nonlinear AC magnetic response
    I Sochnikov, A Shaulov, T Tamegai and Y Yeshurun
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 150 052244 (2009)

    Oscillatory magnetic relaxation in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
    D. Barness, I. Sochnikov, B.Kalisky, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun
    Physica C 468, 280 (2008)

    Investigation of the vortex order-disorder phase transition line in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d using AC techniques 
    I. Sochnikov, A. Shaulov, and Y. Yeshurun
    J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07C705 (2008)

    I-V Curves of BSCCO Tape Carrying DC Current Exposed to Perpendicular and Parallel AC Fields 
    A. Friedman, Y. Wolfus, F. Kopansky, I. Soshnikov, V. Roitberg, S. Asulay, B. Kalisky, and Y. Yeshurun
    IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15, No. 2 (2005)

    Last Updated Date : 03/03/2025