Senior Researcher

Dr. Alex Friedman

bldg. 202 entrance floor, room 013
Reception Hours
by appointment, 6 days per week

    Name:                                      Alexander  Friedman

    Educational Background:   Ph.D. in Solid State Physics, Institute of Physical Metallurgy,

                                                       Russian  Academy of Science      1968

                                                      M.Sc. in Mathematics, Moscow State University, Russia    1965

                                                      M.Sc. in Powder Metallurgy, Moscow Institute of Steel, Russia  1959

    Positions held:      1994-present  Senior Researcher,

                                                                National Center for Magnetic Measurements

                                      1990-1991  Head of Permanent Magnets Laboratory,

                                                            Institute of Electronics of Automotive Industry, Moscow, Russia

                                      1964-1990  Senior Researcher,  Laboratory of Physical Metallurgy,

             Institute of Electromechanics (VNIIEM), Moscow, Russia

                          1958-1962  Senior engineer, Institute of Hard Metals(Tverdych Splavov),

                                                             Moscow, Russia

    LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English, French and Russian (native)

















    1. Development of a Superconducting Magnet Energy Storage (SMES) device using high temperature superconducting (HTS) coil operating in liquid nitrogen - demonstration model was built and satisfied the test. New concept of the converter is patented.

    2. Study of the behavior of HTS (BSCCO and YBCO based) wire and coils carrying direct current in alternating magnetic field.

    3. Development of Fault Current Limiters (FCL) based on "saturated core" concept. Several designs are patented. Demonstration model of 120 kVA was built and satisfied the test.

    4. Methods of HTS coils manufacturing.

    5. AC losses in HTS coils

    6. Development of Nb3Sn superconducting coils made by 'wind and react' method for 200kVA generator. Manufacturing technologies are patented. Similarity of mechanical properties of Nb3Sn and BSSCO wires makes these technologies suitable for HTS coils.

    7. Study of the fine structure of superconducting materials and multifilamentary wires and its correlation with magnetic and transport properties.  Influence of the process parameters on pinning centers distribution. The results of this research were used for improving manufacturing technology of the Nb-Ti superconducting wires.

       Other topics: HTS persistent current switch, HTS transformer

    Magnetic materials, permanent magnets and magnetic systems

    1. Study of the crystal structure of hard magnetic materials and its correlation with coercitivity. Some new kinds of modulated structures are described. Distortion of the crystal lattices of magnetic and nonmagnetic phases defined.

    2. Design of magnetic systems including permanent magnets and coils.

    3. Development of manufacturing technology of permanent magnets for special motors and other applications. Cast, rare earth and ceramic magnets. Magnetic measurements. Most of the developed magnets were used in the unique designs of the motors and other devices.

    4. Design and manufacturing of coils for study of neurons behavior under magnetic field pulses (relating to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - TMS)

    Other topics: magnetic separation

    Other activities

    -   Study and development of dry lubricant materials operating in hard conditions. On the base of the new approach to component's interaction two new patented dry lubricants are developed. Thermodynamic calculations of systems including molibden and tungsten chalcogenides with transition metals were performed.

    -   Metal - titanium nitride composites: study of materials and technology development. Some rocket nozzles were made and tested.






    Phase Coupling Effects in Three-Phase Inductive Fault-Current Limiter Based on Permanent Magnets
    John Linden, Yasha Nikulshin , Alex Friedman, Yosef Yeshurun and Shuki Wolfus
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 56, 8600107 (2020).


    Design and testing of a system for measuring high-frequency AC losses in superconducting wires and coils carrying DC and AC currents.
    Y. Nikulshin, V. Ginodman, A. Friedman, Y. Yeshurun, and S. Wolfus
    Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 065111 (2019).

    Design Optimization of a Permanent-Magnet Saturated-Core Fault-Current Limiter
    John Linden, Yasha Nikulshin , Alex Friedman, Yosef Yeshurun and Shuki Wolfus
    Energies 12, 1823 (2019).


    Monel contribution to AC losses in MgB2 wires in frequencies up to 18 kHz
    Y. Nikulshin, Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, V. Ginodman, G. Grasso, M. Tropeano, G. Bovone,
    M. Vignolo, C. Ferdeghini, and Y. Yeshurun
    IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity 28, 6200906 (2018).


    AC losses in MgB2 wires and tapes in frequencies up to 18 kHz
    Y. Nikulshin, S. Wolfus, V. Ginodman, A. Friedman, M. Tropeano, G. Grasso and Y. Yeshurun
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 28, 8201504 (2018).


    Saturated Cores Fault Current Limiters  in a Live Grid

    Y. Nikulshin, Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, Y. Yeshurun, V. Rozenshtein, D. Landwer, and U. Garbi

    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity  26, 5601504 (2016).


    Improving the performance of Saturated Cores Fault Current Limiters by varying winding density in the AC coils.

    Y. Nikulshin, Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, and Y. Yeshurun

     IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 25, 5602705 (2015).     


    Dynamic Inductance in Saturated Cores Fault Current Limiters

    Y. Nikulshin, Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, Y. Yeshurun

    Proc. ICMS Conf., Antalya, invited  (2014).

    Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 28, 579 (2015).



    Double-Storey, Three-Phase, Novel Saturated-Cores Fault-Current-Limiter

    Y Wolfus, Y Nikulshin, A Friedman and Y Yeshurun

    Journal of Physics: Conf. Series (EUCAS) 507, 032058 (2014).

    Vortex structure and magnetic properties of BaFe2(As1-xPx)single crystals

    L Vinnikov, A Friedman, I. Felner, A Troshina ,and Y Yeshurun

    Journal of Physics: Conf. Series (EUCAS) 507, 012013 (2014).

    Dynamic Inductance in Saturated Cores Fault Current Limiters

    Y. Nikulshin, Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, Y. Yeshurun

    Proc. ICMS Conf., Antalya, invited  (2014).

    Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism


    Dynamic core length in saturated core fault current limiters

    Y. Nikulshin, Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman and Y. Yeshurun

    Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26, 095013 (2013).


    Dynamic Desaturation Process in Saturated Cores Fault Current Limiters

    Nikulshin, Y.; Friedman, A.; Wolfus, Y.; Rozenshtein, V.; Yeshurun, Y. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2012 Vol. 22, Issue: 3 , Page(s): 5601704


    Critical currents and AC losses in YBCO Coils

    Friedman Alex, Wolfus Yehoshua, Kopansky Faina, and Yeshurun Yosef

    Physics Procedia 36, 1169 (2012).


    Mechanisms of Magnetic Stimulation of Central Nervous System Neurons

    Tamar Pashut, Shuki Wolfus, Alex Friedman, Michal Lavidor, Izhar Bar-Gad, Yosef Yeshurun, and Alon Korngreen
    PLoS Computational Biology 7, e1002022(2011).

    Mini-coil for magnetic stimulation in the behaving primate H. Tischler, Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, E. Perel, T. Pashut, M. Lavidor,A. Korngreen, Y. Yeshurun and I. Bar-Gad
    Journal of Neuroscience Methods 194, 242 (2011).


    AC losses in HTS multi-pancake coils made of BSCCO-tape
    Friedman Alex , Wolfus Yeoshua , Kopansky Faina and Yeshurun Yosef
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 234, 032014 (2010)


    Voltage response of current carrying Y–Ba–Cu–O tapes to alternating magnetic field
    A. Uksusman, Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, A. Shaulov, and Y. Yeshurun
    J. Appl. Phys. 105, 093921 (2009).


    High-temperature superconducting magnet for use in Saturated core FCL

    Z Bar-Haim, A Friedman, Y Wolfus, V Rozenshtein, F Kopansky, Z Ron E Harel, N Pundak and Y Yeshurun Proceedings of EUCAS2007 J. Physics: Conference Series 97,012294 (2008)


     Saturated cores FCL- A new approach
    V. Rozenshtein, A. Friedman, Y. Wolfus, F. Kopansky, E. Perel, Y. Yeshurun, Z. Bar-Haim, Z. Ron, E. Harel, and N. Pundak
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 17, 1756 (2007).

     Energy loss and regimes of flux dynamics in Bscco tapes above the engineering critical current  
    G. Lukovsky, A. Friedman, Y. Wolfus, L. Burlachkov and Y.Yeshurun
    IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity 17, 3137 (2007).


     Electric field in Bi-223 tape carrying DC current and exposed to AC parallel magnetic  field

    S. Asulay, A. Friedman, Y. Wolfus, F. Kopansky and Y.Yeshurun

    Paper THA02PO14 presented at MT-19, Genova, Sep.2005

    IEEE Transasactions on Applied Superconductivity,16 (2006)

    Time dependent electric field and E-I curves in Bi-2223 tapes carrying DC currents and exposed to perpendicular AC magnetic fields Paper

    A Friedman, G Lukovsky, V Roitberg, Y Wolfus, F Kopansky, B Kalisky and  Y Yeshurun

     Journal of Physics: Conference Series 43 (2006) 572–575

    Calculated E-I characteristics of HTS pancakes and coils exposed to inhomogeneous magnetic fields

    Y. Adanny, Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, F. Kopansky and Y. Yeshurun

     Journal of Physics: Conference Series 43 (2006) 1068–1071

     Electric field in Bi-2223 tape carrying DC current and exposed to AC parallel magnetic field 

    S. Asulay, A. Friedman, Y. Wolfus, F. Kopansky, and Y. Yeshurun



    I-V Curves of BSCCO Tape Carrying DC Current Exposed to Perpendicular and Parallel AC Fields 
    A. Friedman, Y. Wolfus, F. Kopansky, I. Soshnikov, V. Roitberg, S. Asulay, B. Kalisky, and Y. Yeshurun
    IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15, No. 2 (2005)

    Compact HTS Cryogen-Free Magnet for Magneto-Optics Research Setup  
    Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, F. Kopansky, Y. Yeshurun, Z. Bar-Haim, Z. Ron, and N. Pundak
    IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15, No. 2 (2005) 

    Design of a laminated-steel magnetic core for use in a HT-SMES  
    A. Friedman, M. Zarudi, N. Shaked, M. Sinvani, Y. Wolfus, Y. Yeshurun
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 161, 28 (2005)

    Core losses of the ‘saturated core’ FCL  
    M. Zarudi, A. Friedman
    Proceedings of EUCAS, p 781 (2005)


     I-V curves of bifilar BSCCO tape exposed to AC magnetic field
    N. Shaked, A. Friedman, M. Sinvani, F. Kopansky, Y. Wolfus and Y.  Yeshurun
    Physica C,  401, 201 (2004).

     Estimation of the critical current of BSCCO coils based on the field dependent I-V curves of BSCCO tapes
    Y. Wolfus, Y. Fleger, A. Friedman, F. Kopansky, B. Kalisky, and Y. Yeshurun, Z. Bar-Haim, Z. Ron, L. Ying, and N. Pundak     Physica C,  401, 222 (2004). 


    Design of a laminated-steel magnetic core for use in a HT-SMES
     A. Friedman, M. Zarudi, N. Shaked, M. Sinvani, Y. Wolfus and Y. Yeshurun
     Proceeding of JAPMED 3 , 13 (2003).

     HT-SMES Operating at Liquid Nitrogen Temperatures for Electric Power Quality Improvement Demonstrating
    A. Friedman, N. Shaked, E. Perel, F. Gartzman, M. Sinvani, Y. Wolfus, D. Kottick, J. Furman, and Y. Yeshurun
    IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 13, No. 2 (2003)


    Effects of external magnetic field on the critical current in single and bifilar Bi-2223 tapes
    N. Shaked, A. Friedman, M. Sinvani, I. A. Al-Omari, Y. Wolfus, A.. Shaulov and Y. Yeshurun
    Physica C 354 (2001), 237.


    Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage device operating at liquid nitrogen temperatures
    A. Friedman, N. Shaked, E. Perel, M. Sinvani, Y. Wolfus, and Y. Yeshurun
    Cryogenics 39, 53 (1999).


      AC-induced DC voltage in HTS coil
    I. A. Al-Omari, N. Shaked, A. Friedman, Y. Wolfus, A. Shaulov, M. Sinvani, and Y. Yeshurun
    Proceedings of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference (ICMC98), Holland, 1998
    Physica C 310, 111 (1998).

    Direct current voltage increment due to AC coupling in a high-TC superconducting coil
    N. Shaked, I. A. Al-Omari, A. Friedman, Y. Wolfus, M. Sinvani, A. Shaulov, and Y. Yeshurun
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 3932 (1998).


    Demonstration of a liquid nitrogen cooled high-TC superconducting magnetic energy storage
     A. Friedman, E. Perel, N. Shaked, M. Sinvani, Y. Wolfus, Y.Yeshurun
    Proceedings of the Energy Power and Motion Control conference (EPMC97), Tel Aviv, p.17 (1997).

    Relationship of solubility parameter (x), powder properties and phase formation in Nd1+xBa2-xCu3O6.5+x/2+d system
    P. Yossefov, G. E. Shter, M. Reisner, A. Friedman, Y. Yeshurun, G. S. Grader
    Physica C 275, 299 (1997).

                               See also Previous publications in English




    Fault current limiters (FCL) with the Cores Saturated by superconducting coils
    US patent US8351167 B2.(2013) Granted.


    Fault current limiters (FCL) with the cores saturated by non-superconducting coils
    Y. Wolfus, Y. Yeshurun,A. Friedman,  V. Rozenshtein and Z.Bar-Haim
    US patent application US2012/0154966 A1  (2010)

    Fault Current Limiter with Saturated Core
    Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, Y. Yeshurun, V. Rozenshtein and Z.Bar-Haim
    US patent application  US20120153927 (2010)

    A Fault current limiters (FCL) with the cores saturated by superconducting coils
    Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, Y. Yeshurun, V. Rozenshtein and Z.Bar-Haim
    US patent application US2009021875 A1 (2009)

    Method for manufacturing superconducting coils
    Y. Wolfus, A. Friedman, Y. Yeshurun, and Z.Bar-Haim
    US patent application US2006071747(2005)
    Fault current limiters (FCL) with the cores saturated by superconducting coils
    A Friedman, M. Zarudi, N. Shaked, Y. Wolfus, M. Sinvani, Y. Yeshurun
    US patent application   US 2006/0158803 (2004).
    A method and a converter topology for simultaneous charge/ discharge
    A. Friedman, N. Shaked, E. Perel, M. Sinvani, Y. Wolfus, and Y. Yeshurun
    Patent No. US 6,072,307 

    Last Updated Date : 03/03/2025