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head of FIB unit Bar Ilan institute of nanotechnology and advanced materials.

ד"ר יפית פלגר

בניין 206 קומה 2- חדר A16
    קורות חיים

    Summary- Service delivery for academy and industry needs in various FIB Uses.
    Cross sections, TEM Preparation, Failure analysis, Patterning, High resolution SEM.


    2010- current- Head of Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Unit in the nanotechnology center in Bar Ilan University.

    2002- 2010- Teaching Assistant in physics department, Bar Ilan University.


      Sample size effects on vortex transitions


     Estimation of the critical current of BSCCO coils based on the field dependent I-V curves of BSCCO tapes
    Y. Wolfus, Y. Fleger, A. Friedman, F. Kopansky, B. Kalisky, and Y. Yeshurun, Z. Bar-Haim, Z. Ron, L. Ying, and N. Pundak
    Physica C,  401, 222 (2004). 

    Effects of sample size on magnetic properties of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d   
    Y. Fleger, B. Kalisky, A. Shaulov and Y. Yeshurun
    J. Appl. Phys. 97, 10B304 (2005) 

     Y. Fleger, M. Rosenbluh, Y. M. Strelniker, D. J. Bergman, A. N. Lagarkov "Controlling the optical spectra of gold nano-islands by changing the aspect ratio and the inter-island distance: Theory and Experiment" Eur. Phys. J. B 81, 85-93 (2011).

     Y. M. Strelniker , D. J. Bergman, Y. Fleger, M. Rosenbluh, A. O. Voznesenskaya, A. P. Vinogradov, A. N. Lagarkov "Manipulating the transparency and other optical properties of metamaterials by applying a magnetic field" Physica B 405, 2938-2942 (2010).

    Y. Fleger, L. Nagli, M. Gaft, M. Rosenbluh "Narrow gated Raman and luminescence of explosives", accepted to Journal of luminescence, 129, (2009) 979.

     Y. Fleger, D. Dressler, Y. Mastai, M. Rosenbluh "Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of aromatic compounds on silver nanoclusters" , Surface Science 603 (2009) 788.

    Y. Fleger, Y. Mastai, M. Rosenbluh, D. Dressler "Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy as a probe for adsorbate orientation on silver nanoclusters" Journal of Raman spectroscopy, 40, (2009) 1572.

    D. Dressler, Y. Mastai, M. Rosenbluh, Y. Fleger "Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy as a probe for orientation of pyridine compounds on colloidal surfaces" Journal of molecular structure, 935, (2009) 92.

    Y. Fleger, M. Rosenbluh "Surface plasmon and surface enhanced Raman spectra of aggregated and alloyed gold-silver nanoparticles" Research letters in optics, 2009, (2009).

    L. Nagli, M. Gaft, Y. Fleger, M. Rosenbluh "Absolute Raman cross-sections of some explosives: tend to UV", Optical materials, 30, (2008) 1747.

    Y, Wolfus, Y. Fleger, A. Friedman, F. Kopansky, B. Kalisky, Y. Yeshurun, Z. Bar-Haim, L. Ying, N. Pundak "Estimation of the critical current of BSCCO coil based on the field dependent I-V curves of BSCCO tapes" Physica C, 401 (2004) 222.

    Y. Fleger, B. Kalisky, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun "Effect of sample size on magnetic properties of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ" J. Appl. Phys. 97, (2005)10B304.

    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 03/03/2025