Institute of Superconductivity

The Laboratory for Magnetic Measurements at Bar-Ilan University, headed by Prof. Yosef Yeshurun, is today part of the Institute of Superconductivity. Most of the activity at this laboratory is dedicated to experimental studies of magnetic properties of high-temperature superconductors, in particular to flux properties. Application-oriented studies in the laboratory focus on high-current applications such as superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) and Fault Current Limiter (FCL).

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Laboratory for Magnetic Measurements
The Laboratory for Magnetic Measurements at Bar-Ilan University, headed by Prof. Yosef Yeshurun, is today part of the Institute of Superconductivity.
Mr. Uriya Jan Academic Staff
Research:   Projectile Project:  We are exploring the possibility of destroying a projectile (via plasma breakdown at a very high voltage) when it impacts…